How the Chinese rabbit became a cat in Việt Nam

While much of Asia celebrates the Year of the Rabbit, Việt Nam is striking a note of independence from the dominance of Chinese culture and marking the beginning of the Year of the Cat.

The two communist countries remain ideological allies and have endorsed a similar transition to a market-oriented economy.

But their relationship evokes strong emotions and contradictions in Việt Nam, where many bitterly recall 1,000 years of Chinese occupation and, more recently, a 1979 border war.

While the smaller nation has held onto many Chinese words, customs and traditions, it still feels a strong need to set itself apart from its giant neighbor.

The two countries share ten of the zodiac calendar’s twelve signs– the rat, tiger, dragon, snake, horse, goat, monkey, rooster, dog and pig.

But the Vietnamese replace the rabbit with the cat and the ox with the buffalo.

Exactly why they opted for different animals remains unclear, but several scholars say the split can be traced back to the founding legends of the zodiac calendar.

One of these stories goes that Buddha invited animals to take part in a race across a river and the first twelve to reach the shore would have the honor of appearing on the calendar.

Unable to swim, close friends the cat and rat decided to hitch a ride on the ox’s back.

But as they approached the finish line, the two-faced rodent allegedly pushed the cat into the water — and the pair have been sworn enemies ever since.

The Vietnamese tell the tale somewhat differently.

According to them, it was the Jade Emperor, a Taoist god, who organized the race.

And in their version, the cat knows how to swim.

“There are anthropological and cultural explanations.”

Said Philippe Papin, an expert on Vietnamese history at the Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes in Paris.

But since many of today’s Vietnamese have Chinese origins, the most likely explanation lies in linguistics, he said.

“The Chinese word for rabbit is ‘mao’, which sounds like ‘mèo’ in Vietnamese, where it means “cat”.

As the sound of the word changed, so did its meaning.”

Papin said.


The Chinese word for rabbit is ‘mao’, which sounds like ‘mèo’ in Vietnamese, where it means ‘cat’

Regardless of how the split came about, the Vietnamese today have no interest in bringing their zodiac signs into line with the Middle Kingdom.

“For the Vietnamese, it’s a matter of national honour not to have copied China completely.”

Said Benoit de Treglode, from the Research Institute on Contemporary Southeast Asia in Bangkok.

“This form of distinction in imitation can be found throughout Vietnamese culture.”

She added.

Politics play a role too with Beijing and Hà Nội increasingly at odds over a number of long-running territorial disputes.

“We don’t know exactly how the selection of these twelve animals happened.”

Said Đào Thanh Huyền, an independent journalist based in Hà Nội.

But “now that the words ‘China’ and ‘Chinese’ can become a source of controversy or even lead to arguments, many Vietnamese are happy not to be like their neighbor, even if it is fairly silly to take these things too seriously.”

Hoàng Phát Triệu, a retired Vietnamese actor, says his compatriots simply prefer cats to rabbits.

“Most of the Vietnamese people are farmers.”

The 76-year-old said.

“The rabbit has nothing to do with Vietnamese farmers, while the cat has always been a very good friend of farmers, trying to kill the rats that threaten their crops.”

As Vietnam marks its Tết Lunar New Year on Thursday, those born in the Years of the Rat, the Horse or the Rooster will be careful not to be the first to enter a house — as this is said to attract bad luck.

“This year is going to be an average year according to fortune tellers.”

Said Huyền.

But she hopes her husband and son, both Dogs in the zodiac calendar, will make the year more interesting than the disappointingly dull prediction.

“Everybody knows how cats and dogs get on.”

She said, proving that the desire to make astrological predictions work in your favour is universal.

In that, at least, the Chinese and the Vietnamese are alike.

By P.V.


2 thoughts on “How the Chinese rabbit became a cat in Việt Nam

  1. Chinese-Year of the Rabbit vs Vietnamese-Year of the Cat.

    Chinese Jade Emperor Legend
    There is no sign for the cat in the Chinese Zodiac. This is because according to the legend, the rat pushed the cat off the ox while the ox was carrying both of them across the river. Since then, cats have sought revenge by going after rats.

    A Vietnamese Legend
    The cat is a superior hunter, while the rat is not a good hunter at all. To make up for his weakness, the rat uses his mind to steal the cat’s food. Since that time, cats have always gone after rats.

    Here are famous people under rabbit or cat’s sign

    Jessie Ventura was born in 1951- Rabbit or Cat. He is a strong fighter and loves to hunt down his prey.

    Michael Jordan was born in 1963-Rabbit or Cat. He can jump, defend, and steal the ball. He used his forearm to keep his opponent at bay in order to make a jump shot. That’s why they call him a black cat.

    Rafael Nadal was born in 1986-Tiger vs Novak Djokovic was born in 1987-Rabbit or Cat. Tigers and Cats are both great on defense, but the cat is more skilled at defense. Because of this, the cat wears down his opponents.

    Lionel Messi was born in 1987-Rabbit or Cat. He always weasels his way in to score a goal.

    In order to stop a cat, bring in the cat’s natural enemy-a dog. Because of this fact, whoever was born in the year of the dog can stop a cat. To the European Football League: if you want to stop Lionel Messi. Put a defense player who was born in the year of the dog (1982 or 1994).

    If you know someone born in the year of the Rabbit or Cat (1951, 1963, 1975 or 1987): Observe their character and ask this question: do they behave more like a Rabbit or a Cat? You make the call. Remember: not every legend came from China.

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